1. The equipment is a versatile learning platform designed for intelligent engineering education. A total of 11 types of measuring instruments are installed, such as oscilloscope, digital multimeter, DC power supply, AC power supply and function generator, and the actual measured values can be viewed or controlled using the 7-inch touch screen.
2. Basic practical exercises in various fields of technology are possible thanks to the provided connector in the main unit for installing experimental modules in the form of printed circuit boards.
3. Ability to install a breadboard module for practical circuit simulation using real electrical and electronic components.
4. The USB/Serial/Ethernet communication environment can communicate with a variety of individual devices and help achieve the goal of differentiated smart education.
5. Embedded in the base unit, a 7-inch full-color TFT LCD touch screen, running Microsoft Embedded OS, provides a clear view and a neat user interface.
6. Built-in integrated measurement board adopts 3-core CPU to ensure fast and powerful computing performance.
7. Having the ability to view embedded e-books is conducive to intellectual learning. Teaching aids (books) and video presentations can be displayed and used in real time on the screen at the same time and in sync, providing effective student immersion in the learning process.
8. Language Switching – Multilingual support allows you to view the menu of VIs and didactic materials in different languages.
9. With the installed circuit design and simulation software, you can draw on the touch screen and simulate various circuits, such as electrical and electronic circuits, digital and logic circuits, power electronics, semiconductors, motor and generator, renewable energy, energy conversion , vector control, automobile and electric vehicle, and automation system.